The Greatest Failure

The Greatest failure, to me, is the failure to make an attempt. The fear of failure remains one of the most common fears prevalent throughout the world today. The fear of failing, of disappointing the ones we love and look up to, of been looked down on by people, of people thinking less of you. All these fears are common and understandable, but letting the fear prevent us from making the attempt means that the failure becomes complete. Look at it this way: in everything we do in life, there is a probability of success, however small. If I compete for Prime Minister, or President, some people would vote for me. But if I do not compete at all, no one would vote for me. Life is about risks and rewards. This doesn’t mean that I want you to go to Vegas and try and break the bank. No. but I also do not want people to just exist. To truly live, one has to take risks. In love, business and other matters. But remember: “Keep Walking”.

Price of Power

Power, like almost everything else, always comes with a price. The more powerful you become, the more limited you are in its use. In the world of martial arts, after a certain level, masters are not allowed to fight with amateurs. So also in the world today.

The president of the USA is regarded as the most powerful man in the world, but if you take a closer look, he is also one of the most limited men in the world. His power actually has a very limited use to which it can be put, and those uses do not really affect his everyday life. His power comes at the price of his freedom. He cannot walk down the road for a burger like you and I.

Imagine absolute power without limits. Thats a recipe for pure chaos. God, in his infinite wisdom, realised that with his power any interference in human affairs would totally remove the concept of free will, which is why he interferes indirectly. As they say, he “moves in mysterious ways”.

We should all borrow a leaf from his book. Use the little power you have wisely, and be ready to pay the price if you want more.

Keep Walking


The Hand of God

Over time the “Hand of God” has referred to many things, especially objects. But looking at it from a logical standpoint, the real Hand of God refers to people.

Sure, angels are mighty beings who stay in heaven and guide human beings, but we are still the ones who make the decisions that determine the fate of the world. Every decision made everyday by everybody determines the path of the future. In reality, we make the future.

So, don’t rush into things, and don’t take even the smallest decision you make lightly because you can literally “change the future”.

Year One in the Age of Obama

Amidst the euphoria of haveing the first African-American president of the United States of America, few have actually looked forward to what his time is going to be like and what floodgates have been opened.

The consequences of this are far reaching. The Oscar Academy certainly didn’t know what was going to happen when it handed Denzel Washington an Academy Award for Best Actor, but the floodgates were opened and it was won in quick succession by Jamie Fox and Forrest Whittaker. Now it has happened again on a much larger stage.

His performance is going to be closely monitored by every faction. So I ask: is he going to be the man that proves that Blacks have deserved a shot at the white house for a long time, or is he going to confirm the view that incompetence and a black president go hand in hand.

Obama, the world is waiting and watching.

Good Luck

Keep Walking

Saw a Johnny Walker ad earlier, and I though about those words. Keep Walking. Think about it. When you walk, you make slow, steady progress to your destination. You see the road ahead clearly and do not fall into traps and pits. You also use up little or no energy when doing it. But when you run, you might get to your destination a lot quicker, but the risks are greater too.

Think about life now. The runners achieve fame/wealth/greatness early but burn out early too. The 2pacs, Biggies, Kurt Cobains, John Lennon, Marvin Gayes,etc lived fast and died young, but the Celine Dions, Elton Johns and Bonos have been giving us music for over 2 decades. This shows that “the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong”.

So when you meet an obstacle, or you don’t know what to do, just follow the advice of the walker: “Keep Walking”.

Life paths

Looking at my previous post: the Ideal IT course, I realize that it applies to life in general. So many people are unhappily working in lucrative jobs. Money does not always make up for the fun you miss in doing something that brings you joy.

My advice is: when studying, study what interests you, so that you can work at what you like. It will bring you that much closer to happiness.

The “Ideal” IT Career

“What IT course should I study?” This is a question I’ve been asked over and over y a lot of different people. What is the best IT course, which IT course pays more, etc. To all these I give the same: take a look at what each course contains and study the one which interests you.

The ideal IT course differs from person to person. Some people are natural programmers, others are hardware specialists, yet others are born administrators. Tailor your course according to your interests and you will not go wrong.